Monday, March 26, 2018

Teacher Reflection for Goal Setting 5/1/17

As we all prepare for our summative conferences with leadership, it is important to be honest with ourselves and determine our next steps. I challenge you to read one of my favorite blog posts that will help you privately have a "Gut Level Teacher Refection" to assist you in setting goals for next year.

Teaching is a true calling, in my opinion, but that does not mean that it is easy. Please use this tool to help you see your successes and also acknowledge what has been difficult, thus warranting a need for more support and training.

As you look through professional development that is offered from our district as well as local trainings and see that your specific need is not being met, please let me know so I can help you find opportunities that will help you be the best professional you can be! There are many PD offerings throughout the school year and I keep a running list of your desires so I can be on the watch. I look forward to hearing from you and learning of your new goals.

Read the blogpost here! The Gut-Level Teacher Reflection